Vaccine effectiveness in the 'real world'


全球已有数十亿人接种了新型冠状病毒肺炎疫苗.1 用这个, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐对疫苗在“现实世界”中如何有效地减轻病毒负担和预防病毒的理解在继续增长.

A key success factor for the vaccines is to eliminate serious disease, hospitalisation and death from 新型冠状病毒肺炎. 对这些因素显示出实际有效性的疫苗对于管理大流行和放松世界各地目前实施的限制至关重要. 

What does vaccine effectiveness mean?

How is vaccine effectiveness assessed?

Vaccine effectiveness is assessed by analysing real-world evidence. 真实世界的证据有助于人们更好地了解药物或疫苗在日常临床实践中是否有效, 而不是在对照临床试验中确定的疗效.

临床试验可以很好地说明药物或疫苗的效果及其安全性, but when this is observed in the real-world setting, a wider view of its impact can be monitored.

In combination with clinical trial data, 真实世界的证据有助于了解更大范围的情况——一种药物在更大范围内的有效性, more varied populations, in various healthcare settings and over an extended period.

By using this evidence, 科学家们, 监管机构和政府可以监测药物或疫苗对社会的重要贡献.

Specifically, real-world evidence for 新型冠状病毒肺炎 vaccines is:

  • Helping 政府, 卫生服务提供者和社区了解疫苗在人口统计学中的作用.
  • 告知和支持提高疫苗接种率以保护生命和减少住院的战略.
  • 告知疫苗的长期使用和可能在疫苗增强剂方面提供额外保护的调整, dosing or combination treatments.

What determines vaccine effectiveness?

How well the vaccine works to protect individuals

As the number of people vaccinated against 新型冠状病毒肺炎 grows, we are seeing important real-world evidence emerge, which is helping to understand vaccine effectiveness:

  • Against different disease severities -从减少死亡和住院人数到预防较轻形式的疾病
  • In reducing rates of infection across the population
  • In preventing transmission and spread 病毒
  • In different populations, 包括年龄, 比赛, 种族, and those living with underlying health conditions, 比如哮喘, 糖尿病和艾滋病毒

Level of immune response sustained over time

新型冠状病毒肺炎疫苗的工作原理是启动身体的自然防御,以便在你以后遇到病毒时能够迅速有效地采取行动. This immune response, 或免疫原性, can be measured to help us understand how effective vaccines are.

As vaccination programmes continue, 免疫原性研究的结果将帮助澳门第一赌城在线娱乐了解疫苗引发的免疫反应类型及其持续时间. They will also help inform the right dose of a vaccine, as well as when booster vaccinations are required.

Ease of use for healthcare communities

后勤方面和易于使用对于确保广泛获得和接受疫苗至关重要. 这可能包括疫苗运输和储存的容易程度(理想情况下是使用其他疫苗已经存在的冷链)。, how stable the vaccine is and for how long, 以及在现有的卫生保健机构中如何容易地进行管理.g. no need for specially trained medical staff.

Broad access to the vaccine and uptake

To change the course of the pandemic, 需要在全球范围内提供新型冠状病毒肺炎疫苗,并使所有需要的人都能获得疫苗. Global partnerships with 科学家们, 政府, 多边组织和制造商目前正在确保开发能力和供应.

In terms of uptake, 各国政府有责任根据其疫苗接种规划管理疫苗接种.

The vaccine’s risk: benefit profile

No medicine or vaccine is ever entirely risk-free. When evaluating 新型冠状病毒肺炎 vaccines, 监管机构在允许对公众进行管理之前,已经考虑了收益和风险. Safety monitoring has also been paramount, and for vaccines in particular, the standard of testing is higher than for most other medicines, as vaccines are generally given to healthy people.

Safety monitoring procedures are in place for all 新型冠状病毒肺炎 vaccines, with data thorough scrutinised by pharmaceutical companies, 监管机构, scientific and medical experts. 真实世界的证据有助于了解疫苗的有效性和安全性概况, 世界卫生组织(世卫组织)确认疫苗接种的益处大于潜在副作用的风险.2

Informing future strategies

Evidence of real-world effectiveness, 结合正在进行的临床试验数据和对病毒不同变种的更深入了解, 流行和传播性——正在提高澳门第一赌城在线娱乐对疫苗如何发挥作用的认识,同时为未来预防新型冠状病毒肺炎的战略提供信息.

To overcome the disease, 很可能需要许多不同的疫苗来支持长期免疫和预防 新的变种 当它们出现时. The potential of combining different vaccines, known as ‘heterologous boosting’, 是否已经部署并且科学研究支持这种方法作为一种保护策略.3




1. 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的数据世界. Statistics and Research. Coronavirus (新型冠状病毒肺炎) Vaccinations. Available at Last accessed June 2022.

2. World Health Organization (WHO). Statement on the benefits of vaccines against 新型冠状病毒肺炎. Available at http://www.谁.int /马来西亚/新闻/细节/ 30 - 04 - 2021 -声明- - -好处的疫苗-对- covid - 19所示. Last accessed June 2022.

3. European 药物 Agency. EMA和ECDC关于新型冠状病毒肺炎异源疫苗接种疗程的建议:“混合搭配”方法可用于初始疗程和加强疗程. Available at: http://www.教育津贴.欧罗巴.欧盟/ en /新闻/ 教育津贴-ecdc-recommendations-heterologous-vaccination-courses-against-covid-19-mix-match-approach-can-be. Last accessed June 2022.

Veeva ID: Z4-43679
Date of preparation: June 2022